Also known as: Tuition Book
Brief Description:
This annual document compiles data on tuition, fees, room and board, and estimated total cost of attendance for the University of Illinois and, in some cases, for other Big Ten institutions or other public or private universities. The intent is for the document to serve as a reference volume with data on some of the key issues affecting the development of tuition policy without proposing any specific new policy or change in existing policies. It includes a brief historical review of tuition policies, and incorporates for reference current Board of Trustees' actions on tuition principles and policy issues, along with a summary of Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) student affordability goals. Also included is a variety of historical and comparative data on tuition, fees, and room and board charges.
By Section:
Contact Information:
Nate Wilds | | 217-244-0663
Final Report Issue Date:
Annual (fiscal year) document, typically published each October with updates through December.