Brief Description:
Performance funding is an important component of the state's plan to meet the Complete College America (CCA) goal that by 2025, 60% of Illinois adults will have a college degree or credential. The intent is to devise a system for allocating state resources to public institutions of higher education based upon performance in achieving state goals related to student success and certificate and degree completion, especially as related to Public Act 97-320 (which amended the Illinois Board of Higher Education Act). Under the Act, performance metrics reward performance of institutions in advancing the success of students who are academically or financially at-risk, first generation students, low-income students, or students traditionally underrepresented in higher education. The metrics shall also recognize and account for the differentiated missions of institutions of higher education, focus on the fundamental goal of increasing completion, recognize the unique and broad mission of public community colleges, and maintain the quality of degrees, certificates, courses, and programs. The performance funding model in place for public universities identifies performance measures/metrics that are linked directly to the goals of the "Illinois Public Agenda," devised to adapt to the state's changing financial climate each year. The metrics are meant to indicate the status of each of the schools at the present time, allowing for adjustment of respective practices to improve in certain areas moving forward.
Contact Information:
Eric Hiatt | | 217-300-6353
Final Report Issue Date:
This is an on-going endeavor, led annually by the Higher Education Performance Funding Steering Committee of the IBHE.