Brief Description:
Tuition and fee waivers are an agreement between the student and the university to reduce or eliminate tuition and/or fees. All Illinois public universities are authorized to award two general types of tuition and fee waivers: Mandatory Waivers and Discretionary Waivers. Mandatory waivers are authorized by legislation and mandate an award to eligible students who meet the specific parameters and criteria included in the statue. Discretionary waivers are granted at the option of the university. All Illinois public universities annually provide the IBHE with a copy of their policies and procedures for administering tuition waiver programs. Institutions report tuition waivers using only the categories listed in the "Standard Tuition and Fee Waiver Chart of Accounts" established by the IBHE.
Contact Information:
Eric Hiatt | | 217-300-6353
Final Report Issue Date:
Report last approved September 2012. Next review cycle slated for 2016-2017.