Also known as: LBI
Brief Description:
This annual document is produced by the Office for Planning and Budgeting as a reference for use by university colleagues when interacting with members of the state legislature and related constituencies. It serves as a "bible," providing in a single convenient source useful facts and figures about the University of Illinois, including among others: the current operating and capital budgets; the most-recently submitted fiscal year operating and capital budget requests in conjunction with Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) recommendations for each; student demographics inclusive of minority enrollments and graduation rates; faculty and staffing statistics; tuition, fee, and room and board rates for the ensuing academic year; an accounting of tuition waivers; details about economic development projects; hospital financial reports; and a medley of answers to other questions commonly asked.
This document is intended for internal use only and is not available for public distribution.
Contact Information:
Sandy Street | | 217-333-0398
Final Report Issue Date:
Annual internal reference document, generally compiled each spring.