University Office for Planning and Budgeting

University of Illinois: Champaign-Urbana, Chicago, Springfield

Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) Reporting

  • IBHE Fall Enrollment Survey (FES) Part I
  • IBHE Fall Enrollment Survey (FES) Part II
  • IBHE Student Financial Aid Survey (SFA)
  • Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)

Brief Description:
IBHE FES Part I collect preliminary fall term headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollments by level at Illinois colleges and universities. The report also summarizes unduplicated 12-month headcount enrollment and enrollments in remedial/developmental courses for a unique academic year. The University of Illinois provides statistics specific to each of its three campuses to the IBHE for this report.

IBHE FES Part II collects detailed fall enrollment counts at Illinois colleges and universities. Included are enrollments counts by program, level, race, and gender. Also collected are data on age, new student migration, and transfer institutions. The University of Illinois provides statistics specific to each of its three campuses to the IBHE for this report.

IBHE SFA collects financial aid recipient and dollars awarded to undergraduate and graduate students by source and program at Illinois colleges and universities. The University of Illinois provides statistics specific to each of its three campuses to the IBHE for this report.

The Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS) is the IBHE component of the Illinois Longitudinal Data System. Higher Education institutions, including the University of Illinois, submit detailed enrollment and degree information on every student enrolled.

Contact Information:
Kristopher Smith | | 217-244-9743