Questions or requests for further information can be directed to Barb Welge.
Interpreting UOPB Staff Count Reports
Caution should be used in the interpretation of staffing changes reflected in these data. The staff monitoring system is based upon payroll data and is not a position-by-position control system. As such, it does not facilitate the tracking of individual payroll actions (layoffs, rehires, terminations, etc.), or the tracking of new or vacant positions. Staffing changes occur frequently within all employee groups at the University and there are month-to-month fluctuations in staffing levels which occur as part of the normal operating cycle. Staffing comparisons are therefore made on a year-to-year basis at approximately the same point in time each year. Such comparisons reflect most accurately overall employment trends which the University is experiencing as opposed to month-to-month comparisons which may be clouded by seasonal variations in employment levels.
Criteria Used to Produce UOPB Staff Count Reports
There are a number of different ways to count staff, depending on the information needed. Below are the criteria used to produce the UOPB staff counts. These criteria should be taken into account before comparing these counts to others that may have been designed for other purposes. If there are questions about how these counts are structured, please contact: Barb Welge at (217) 333-8313.