University Office for Planning and Budgeting

University of Illinois: Champaign-Urbana, Chicago, Springfield

Public Accountability Report

Also known as: "PAR"

Brief Description:
This annual report is submitted to the state of Illinois' Comptroller, outlining the university's success in achieving program goals aligned with the institution's mission; each campus files a separate report. Program goals such as scholarship, discovery and innovation are measured via input (total expenditures, total staffing) versus output (headcount enrollments, degree completions by level, race and gender) indicators. Also measured is efficiency/cost effectiveness, by metrics including instructional cost per credit hour, percent of total expenditures devoted to research and public service, and the percent of undergraduate students receiving some form of financial aid.

Contact Information:
Eric Hiatt | | 217-300-6353

Final Report Issue Date:
Annual (fiscal year) document, for submission by August 15th each year.