University Office for Planning and Budgeting

University of Illinois: Champaign-Urbana, Chicago, Springfield

Graduate Survey: About the Survey

The University of Illinois has conducted an annual survey of graduates at all degree levels since 1973.  As of 1991 it has participated in the Illinois Board of Higher Education's Baccalaureate Graduates' Follow-Up System, while continuing to survey alumni at all degree levels.  The survey provides information on the outcomes of a University of Illinois education from the best possible authority:  the graduates themselves.

The survey asks graduates for information on employment, educational experiences following graduation, assessment of various aspects of their U of I education and the relationship between their U of I education and subsequent career and educational paths.  Information from the survey is used in the continuing review of the University's educational programs and for students' career and educational planning.  Additionally, combined results from the University of Illinois survey along with other public senior universities in Illinois aids in statewide planning and evaluation of academic programs by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

View information about the methodology & survey timeline.